Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

With one week until my first scan since beginning chemo the scanxiety has really set in. For those not familiar with the term it is just like it sounds- anxiety building up to a CT scan. I am very hopeful that the lesions are either stable or getting smaller and praying hard that there are no more anywhere else. Not exactly how I wanted to start the new year, but it has to be done.

2011 was the best and worst of times for me. Addison was best thing that happened to us this year and this unwanted journey was obviously the worst. I look forward to a great 2012 and beating this cancer. This year my New Years's Resolutions are very different from years back, funny how a few months changes things.

1. Enjoy each day and live in the present
2. Beat cancer
3. Take a great beach vaca

1 comment:

  1. Stacie,

    You are certainly in my prayers today. You are one brave girl and I enjoy keeping up with you on your blog.

    I am in your in laws Sunday School class.

    Linda Brazel
