We met with Dr. Halff one of the SA transplant team surgeons today. He had discussed my case with the other transplant surgeons and they are confident they can handle the surgery. However, he can not say with 100 percent certainty that the entire mass can be removed with clear margins. He did say that he would not undertake any surgery he didn't think he could do. Since it is rather complex, all three transplant surgeons would likely be attending.
We are meeting with the Baylor-Dallas transplant team tomorrow and hope to get the same answer. If they believe they can do it, we will need to decide which one to go with. It is a little weird to think about because it literally is a question of "Who do I think can save my life."
After talking with Dr. Halff it hit me that I am really going to have this major operation. I've been so caught up with testing, appointments, work and normal life that I hadn't even thought about the surgery in detail--- the large incision, long hospital stay, 8 weeks of no lifting over 10 lbs, etc.
Wish us luck tomorrow! Eric might need the most luck with me backseat driving for 4 hours. When we got back from SA today he requested that I bring magazines, books or something to keep me occupied....
Thinking of you all every day.....We hope things went well on Friday too and you and Eric didnt fight in the car....I am a shocking backseat driver as well!!! Please dont hesitate to call before and after the surgery Stacie...we would love to be able to help in any way possible!!!!Take care and hope to catch up soon xx