I was at the Infusion Center from 8:30-3:15 and it actually went by really fast. The Infusion Center is another office in my oncologists building that is staffed by oncology nurses and nurse practitioners. Eric was there until 9:30 and my sister came from 11-3:15. Another younger lady was right next to me who was really sweet. She was battling a recurrence of breast cancer (6 years after the first time!) She had a young son the first go-round and it is always nice to chat with people that had similar situations. Especially ones that beat cancer twice and are doing great(it was her final treatment :)) No crazy stories...it was pretty uneventful and strangely a pretty nice day.
One thing we do have to do is watch is germs. My chemo, like many others, brings down your white cell count so the fam and I will be using Purell like it is going out of style :)
I feel pretty good tonight, just tired. Hopefully tomorrow is just as good!
BTW-- loving the port. Only one stick and you're done!
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