It has been a while since I updated, but a lot has gone on. My oncologist in Austin reviewed the MD Anderson scan, he believed that it could be biopsed and got me in last Thursday to have it done. The interventional radiologist went back and forth on whether he could do it or not because it was so small and hard to find. Once he found it, he was able to get the biopsy done. Unfortunately, I found out Friday morning it was in fact cancer. It is not called a reoccurrence since it was probably there the whole time. In fact, we are lucky it was so small and not found before because I would have not been a candidate for surgery if they knew it was there.
The good news is that I finally have a path forward! This Wednesday I am having surgery to put in the port that the chemo will be given through. Next Monday I will start chemo. It will be two cycles (a cycle is once a week for two weeks and then a week off.) I will then have a scan to see if the tumor is responding and getting smaller.
I went back to work last week, which has been a great distraction from all the doctors appointments! Hayden had an awesome time trick-or-treating and has not stopped talking about all her candy. Addison missed out because it was past her bedtime. She did make it to the block party and was the cutest cow there. This morning Addison started crawling! I'm glad most of my energy has returned since we will soon be chasing her all over :)
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